Typically, the conference has been held every two years since 2012.
Upcoming Conference:
– Formal Ethics 2026. University at Buffalo (SUNY Buffalo), United States. More details to be announced in the Fall 2025.
Past conferences:
– Formal Ethics 2024. July 15-17, University of Greifswald, Germany. Chair: Allard Tamminga (Greifswald).
– Formal Ethics 2022: (Online. FE 2022 derived from the planned Formal Ethics 2020/21 conference which was to be held in person at Vanderbilt University (Tennessee), but was canceled due to covid-19 restrictions)
– Formal Ethics 2019: Gent University. Chairs: Frederik Van De Putte (Ghent & Bayreuth) and Federico Faroldi (Ghent & Frankfurt)
– Formal Ethics 2017: University of York. Chairs: Johan E. Gustafsson, Christopher Jay, Christian Piller, Mozaffar Qizilbash, Jack Warman, Richard Yetter Chappell.
– Formal Ethics 2015. University of Bayreuth. Chairs: Olivier Roy (Bayreuth), Matthew Braham (Bayreuth), Norbert Gratzl (Munich)
– Formal Ethics 2014. EUR Rotterdam. Chairs: Constanze Binder (Rotterdam), Conrad Heilmann (Rotterdam), Attillia Ruzzene (Rotterdam)
– Formal Ethics 2012. LMU Munich. Chairs: Olivier Roy (Munich), Albert Anglberger (Munich), Norbert Gratzl (Munich)